Electrolysis enthusiasts,


We are very much looking forward to the 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE 2021) to be held in person in Golden, CO, June 20-23, 2022.  Building on the success of the first 2 ICE conferences, in spite of a one year delay due to COVID.  Find more information here (https://learn.mines.edu/ice2021/).  We are pleased to announce the list of confirmed invited speakers and that the registration link is now live (https://learn.mines.edu/ice2021/registration/).  The invited speaker include world leading experts from the areas of PEM, SOEC and alkaline electrolysis.


Invited Speakers

Sunita Satyapal

Corky Mittelsteadt

Anne Hauch

Bill Tumas

Svitlana Pylypenko

Ryan O’Hayre

Kasper Tipsmark Therkildsen

Thomas Turek

HoonTaek Chung

Diana De Porcellinis

Tom Smolinka

Gerry Swiegers

Christian Walter

Maire-Laure Fontaine


We look forward to seeing many of you in Colorado, and we wanted to remind you that Abstract submission ends April 28, 2022.


Best regards,
Bryan Pivovar

(Conference Chair on behalf of the Scientific and Local Organizing Committees)