Andrew Hustrulid, PhD, PE
Sr VP Global Services
Shaw Almex Industrial Limited
Bonita Springs, FL
Dr. Hustrulid has been involved in various aspects of belt conveyor design, engineering, manufacturing, and troubleshooting since receiving his B.Sc. in Engineering (Mechanical Option) from the Colorado School of Mines in 1992. While completing his MSc and PhD at Colorado School of Mines, he began consulting with Overland Conveyor Company before joining Fenner Dunlop, Conveyor Services, Sandvik, and most recently Shaw Almex. Each company is involved in different aspects of the conveyor system, including belting, idlers, pulleys, system design, installation, and splicing. Dr. Hustrulid is the developer and author of the Chute Maven DEM program for transfer chute design and the Pulley Maven FEA program for pulley design and analysis. He has authored several articles on conveyor technology. He is the past chairman of the Advanced Technologies Committee of CEMA responsible for the “Belt Book.”
Dr. Hustrulid has spent significant time in the field working on conveyor systems and in the factory involved with conveyor component design and supply. Having worked in many different countries, this experience provides a unique perspective on your conveyor system.