303-384-2690 Learn@mines.edu

Dates for ICE2021 in 2022 have been finalized, and 2 free webinars preceding ICE 2021 are available • Final dates for the 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021 (ICE 2021) Conference that has been postponed until 2022 have been set. The Conference will be held June 20 through 23, 2022. Just as originally planned, the Conference will be held at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado USA. Also, we want to announce the availability of two webinars on June 18, 2021 and June 25, 2021. The June 18 webinar will focus on the economics of electrolysis and PEM electrolysis. The June 25 webinar will explore alkaline electrolysis and solid oxide electrolysis. Registration — which is free! — is available now at https://mines.eventsair.com/21sp1145A-ice/register/Site/Register