Course Agenda
The information presented below applied to a previous session of the course. Updated information for the 2021 session will be available soon.
A continental breakfast is available before class on each day, lunches are provided on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and refreshments are provided at breaks.
Planning, Geo, and Risk
8:00 | Introductions and Course Overview | Mike Mooney, Gabe WaltonColorado School of Mines |
8:30 | Tunnel Project Planning: From Conception through Construction and Operation | Sanja ZlatanicSenior VP, Chair National Tunnel Practice, HNTB |
9:15 | Geological and Geotechnical Site Investigation and Characterization | Red RobinsonSenior VP, Director of Underground Services, Shannon & Wilson |
10:15 | Break | |
10:30 | How to Write and Interpret a Geotechnical baseline reports | Randy EssexExecutive Vice President, Mott MacDonald |
11:15 | Contracting Methods and Project Delivery Options | Dan AdamsPresident, McMillen Jacobs Associates |
12:00 | Lunch |
Risk and Contracting Fundamentals
1:00 | Risk Management | Bob GoodfellowPresident, Aldea Mike DiPonioPresident, Jay Dee Contractors |
2:00 | Construction Safety | Matt SwintonSenior VP, Underground District Manager, Kiewit |
2:30 | Rapidly Emerging Underground Mass Transportation Technologies | Tony BauerTunnel Practice Operations Manager, HNTB</span |
3:00 | Break | |
3:30 | Labs and Demos | |
5:30 | Reception | Mines Geology Museum |
Hard Rock Tunneling
8:00 | Openings in Rock and Soil | Seth Pollak Arup Gabe WaltonColorado School of Mines |
9:00 | NATM and SEM | Vojtech GallPresident, Gall Zeidler Associates Nasri MunfahGlobal Tunnel Lead, AECOM |
10:00 | Break | |
10:15 | Shotcrete Temporary and Permanent Lining Design and Construction | Wolfgang AdrianPrincipal Expert Tunneling, BASFVerya NasriAECOM |
11:00 | SEM Construction: Best Practices from Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles | Rohit ShettyArea Manager, Atkinson ConstructionChristoph BragardTraylor Bros. |
12:00 | Lunch |
Hard Rock Tunneling
1:00 | Principles of Hard Rock TBM Tunneling | Jamal RostamiAssociate Professor, Colorado School of Mines |
1:30 | Applications, Design and Performance in Hard Rock TBM Tunneling | Dennis OfiaraChief Engineer, Robbins |
2:15 | Probe-Hole Drilling and Pre-Excavation Grouting for Groundwater Control | Niels KofoedKiewit |
3:00 | Break | |
3:30 | Labs and Demos | |
5:30 | Reception to meet with the UCA student chapter in CoorsTek Atrium. (All Participants Welcome.) | CoorsTek Atrium |
Soft and Mixed Ground Tunneling
8:00 | Principles of Pressure Balance TBM Tunneling | Mike MooneyGrewcock Chair Professor of Underground Construction & Tunneling, CSM |
8:45 | Applications, Design and Performance of Hybrid and Large Diameter TBMs | Werner BurgerChief Engineer, Herrenknecht |
10:00 | Innovation in Japanese Tunneling: the Massive Tokyo Ring Road Project | Hayato YoshimuraKajima Corporation |
10:15 | Break | |
10:30 | Large Diameter TBM Tunneling in Toronto | Matthew GearyAssociate, Hatch |
11:15 | Prediction of Tunnel-induced Building and Utilities Deformation | Liza DwyerWSP |
12:00 | Lunch |
Soft and Mixed Ground Tunneling
1:00 | Precast Segmental Liner Design and Construction | Samer SadekPrincipal Tunnel Engineer, Jacobs |
1:40 | Risk Management through Instrumentation and Monitoring | Jacob GrasmickMaxwell Geosystems |
2:20 | Thimble Shoals and Hampton Roads | Alejandro Sanz GarroteHead of Tunneling, gGravity Engineering |
3:00 | Break | |
3:30 | Labs and Demos | |
5:30 | Adjourn |
Ground Improvement, Cost Estimating, and Owners Forum
8:00 | Ground Improvement | Paul SchmallChief Engineer, Moretrench |
9:00 | Cost Estimating Best Practices for Joint Ventures | Mike Roach Chief Estimator, Traylor Bros |
9:45 | Break | |
10:00 | Owner Panel Discussion | |
The individuals listed to the right will participate in the Owner Panel Discussion. | Mohammed NasimSenior Director of Engineering, Amtrak | |
Amber PastoorProject Manager Line 5 Replacement & Tunnel Project, Major Projects, Enbridge | ||
Jim UtterbackDirector, Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Expansion Project | ||
Bryan PenningtonDeputy Chief Program Management Officer, LA Metro | ||
Krishna DaveyDeputy Director, BART Silicon Valley Program., Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority | ||
12:00 | Adjourn Main Program |