3rd International Conference
on Electrolysis 2021
June 20 – 23, 2022
Golden, Colorado USA
Welcome 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021 Sponsors!
We cordially invite you to invest in the 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021 to be held in Denver, Colorado, USA on June 20-23, 2022.
This conference offers your company or organization a special opportunity to enhance its image by supporting the goals of International Conference of Electrolysis 2021 for the international participants and local community. Each contribution will be prominently and appropriately acknowledged.
All prices are quoted in US Dollars. All payments are expected in US Dollars.
Establishing a Sponsorship
To establish a sponsorship, please visit the website at the following address: https://sponsor.csmspace.com
Please complete your sponsorship at least three weeks prior to the program start date to ensure that your sponsorship is appropriately acknowledged in printed materials.
Complimentary Registrations
Some sponsorship levels include complimentary registrations. These registrations include full admission to the Conference, and attendance to the meal/social event, and the Conference Proceedings.
Additional Information
For additional information or questions about sponsorships for the 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021, please send an email to Learn@mines.edu.
Platinum Contributor – $10,000
Choose from two exclusive sponsorships:
- Welcome Reception – Sponsor provides introduction at event
- Luncheons (3 available) – Sponsor provides introduction at event
Platinum Contributors receive:
- Two complimentary full conference registrations
- Full page ad/professional listing in printed conference program
- Podium Recognition at Plenary Sessions
- Display table in break/social area
- Company logo/link on the conference website
- Company flier included in the registration packets (company provides fliers)
- Company logo included on conference sponsor signage
- Company logo in program
Gold Contributor – $5,000
Choose from two exclusive sponsorships:
- Conference Bags – logo and company name on all conference bags (bags provided by sponsor)
- Conference Lanyards – logo and company name on all conference lanyards (lanyards provided by sponsor)
Gold Contributors receive:
- One complimentary full conference registration
- Half page ad/professional listing in printed conference program
- Display table in break/social area
- Company logo/link on the conference web site
- Company flier included in the registration packets (company provides fliers)
- Company logo included on conference sponsor signage
- Company logo included in conference emails
- Company logo in program
Silver Contributor – $2,000
Choose from the following:
- Continental Breakfast – 4 sponsorships available
- Conference Sessions – several available
Silver Contributors receive:
- Quarter page ad/professional listing in printed conference program
- Company logo with link on the conference web site
- Company flier included in the registration packet (company provides fliers)
- Company logo included in conference sponsor signage
- Company logo in program