First two days’ programs run from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM; last day 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Breaks are scheduled in the morning and afternoon.
Day One
- Crude oil
The cost of crude oil is approximately 70-80% of the cost of operating refineries. Understanding crude oil reserves and characteristics is therefore important.- World-wide crude supply and consumption
- Future production trends
- Key crude oil qualities
- Petroleum products
This session will review product consumption trends and key specifications. Environmental concerns are resulting in increasingly stringent transportation fuels specifications, and this has a significant impact on refinery operations.- Product demand trends
- Gasoline
- Distillate
- Fuel oil
- Product specifications
- Gasoline
- Jet fuel
- Diesel
- Fuel oil
- Product pricing
- Product pricing trends
- Refining centers
- Import/export parity
- Product demand trends
- Crude Oil Quality
A discussion of crude oil composition and properties is presented in this session.- Crude oil composition
- Typical elemental breakdown
- Hydrocarbon types
- Bulk crude oil properties
- API gravity
- Sulfur content
- Distillation range
- Other important properties
- Refinery process technology
Refineries are designed to match their local product market and crude oil supply. For this reason, refiners utilize a variety of process units to achieve economic viability. This session presents an overview of major process options, with a focus on heavy oil conversion options. The range of refinery process technology will be discussed. The discussion is divided into the following sections:- Crude Oil Separation
- Distillation fundamentals
- Atmospheric distillation
- Vacuum distillation
- Gas plants
- Crude Oil Separation
Day Two
- Refinery process technology (Continued)
- Conversion Processes
- Hydrocracking
- Fluid catalytic cracking
- Delayed coking
- Fluid coking
- Visbreaking
- Solvent deasphalting
- Resid hydrocracking
- Upgrading Processes
- Hydrotreating
- Catalytic reforming
- Isomerization
- Alkylation
- Supporting Processes
- Acid gas removal
- Sulfur recovery
- Hydrogen production
- Benzene Reduction
- Utilities and offsites
- Product blending
- Other Related Technology
- Petrochemicals
- Aromatics
- Olefins
- Lube oil
- Petrochemicals
- Conversion Processes
The technology is described along with important feedstock characteristics and typical product yields.
Day Three (half-day)
- Refinery types and complexity
Refineries vary in type and complexity depending on many factors such as market demand, crude oil availability, and company investment objectives.- Refinery types
- Topping
- Hydroskimming
- Cracking
- Coking
- Nelson complexity index
- Refinery types
- Refinery margins
Refiners use several types of refinery margins to describe their profitability. Each of these margins is described and how each is applied.- Gross
- Variable
- Net
- Incremental
- Refinery Planning and Economics
This session will begin with an overview of refinery economics modeling which involves the linear programming technique. Refinery planning applications are then discussed in detail.- Linear programming
- Crude oil assays
- Refinery modeling
- Planning applications
- Crude oil evaluation
- Production planning
- Product blending
- Shutdown planning
- Configuration studies
- Technology evaluation