303-384-2690 Learn@mines.edu


Golden, Colorado USA


1. Renewable Energy (RE) Project Drivers
2. Energy generation and consumption mix in US and globe
3. RE production cost drivers: renewable portfolio standards (RPS), tax incentives
4. Energy and power units
5. Generation megawatt (MW) capacity vs. megawatt-hour (MWh) energy production
6. RE Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) comparison of technologies
7. Capacity factors for variable RE vs. baseload & MWh energy production
8. KWh impact from different photovoltaic (PV) technologies
9. Fixed PV panel azimuth orientation impact on kWh
10. RE resource assessment tasks
11. RE resource determinants
12. How to calculate wind speeds
13. How to translate wind speeds into MWh production
14. Accounting for variability of wind
15. Cash flow analysis assumptions
16. Solar and wind cost assumptions
17. RE cash flow analysis comparison with and without tax incentives
18. Cash flow analysis financial results for solar and wind
19. LCOE calculation
20. Cloud cover impact on solar
21. Elevational impact on wind speeds
22. Excess solar energy production – “Duck Curve”
23. Back-up generation
24. Hour-by-hour energy supply/demand analysis
25. RE curtailment
26. RE vs. fossil-fuel transmission connection issues
27. Consumer energy price impact from increasing RE integration
28. Emissions
29. Best fit for RE for industrial application
30. Summary