XXV Meeting
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado USA
2024 Sponsors:
Mars Contributors
NEO Contributors
Moon Contributors
Lifetime Supporter
Sponsorship opportunities are available! Learn more ...
As it has been doing since 1999, this conference will bring together world experts from space agencies, research organizations, academia, the space private sector, the mining supply chain, the oil and gas industry, equipment manufacturers, and financial, policy, and legal experts to present innovative approaches in space resource identification, technology development, utilization, economic feasibility studies, public and private partnerships, and capability and regulatory regimes.
The meeting will be organized to accommodate technical presentations and roundtable discussions around these topics and how they apply to space-resource activities in cislunar space, the Moon, Mars, and small bodies, space manufacturing and construction, space infrastructure, commerce, international efforts, and legal and public policy issues. This meeting will provide a unique and timely forum for discussion of the near and long-term opportunities for space resources.
The dates to keep in mind are the following:
TBD Abstract Submission Deadline
TBD Early Bird registration deadline
TBD XXIV Space Resources Roundtable
Mark your calendars. We look forward to seeing everybody in person again in beautiful Colorado!
Topics to be explored
The meeting will be organized to accommodate keynote speakers, technical presentations, and roundtable discussions around the following topics:
- The Moon and Cislunar Space: Our nearest celestial destination for space resources
- Mars: Preparing to live and work in the Red Planet
- Asteroids: Stepping stones to develop a space resources infrastructure
- Manufacturing and Construction: Building our future in space
- Infrastructure: Power, communications, transport, and other services to support space resources activities
- Economic, Legal, Policy, and Environmental Issues: The multidisciplinary nature of space resources
Thus, the SRR solicits presentations about:
- Update on exploration and ISRU efforts from space agencies and the private sector
- Orbital or landed measurements of the Moon, Mars, and/or asteroids to identify and characterize potential resources
- Resource collection, excavation, transport, drilling, and beneficiation
- Resource extraction and processing technologies
- Resource utilization experiments
- In-space manufacturing and construction
- Space debris collection and recycling
- Space Infrastructure: Power, communications, transport systems
- Commercial initiatives on Earth and in Space
- Materials transportation systems – in space and on the surface
- Space transportation systems utilizing space resources
- Market demand and utilization scenarios for space resources and their products
- The relationship between government-funded exploration and private ventures in identifying and using space resources, and how to develop public-private partnerships
- Legal and policy issues for space resources
- Socio-economic, environmental, and ethical aspects of space resource utilization
- Or any other serious study of space resources-related topics
2024 Agenda Available. Learn more …
Instructions for abstract submission. Learn more …
This event will be held at the Ben Parker Student Center on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines in Golden (near Denver), Colorado USA. Learn more …
Full information about fees, options, and payment methods is available. Learn more …
Travel and Lodging
Registrants are responsible for their own travel arrangements, transportation, and lodging. Learn more
Further Technical Information
For more information about the event content, please contact:
Dr. Angel Abbud-Madrid
President, Space Resources Roundtable
Director, Center for Space Resources
Colorado School of Mines
Phone: +1 (303) 384-2300
Email: aabbudma@mines.edu