303-384-2690 Learn@mines.edu

October 20-23, 2025
Golden, Colorado USA

2024 Hands on Labs. 

Please Note: PPE will not be required, however please bring closed-toed shoes for lab activities.

Hands-on labs round out each day of instruction, providing attendees with hands-on experience in these areas:

Click on the links below to watch a quick video on each of the labs.

EPB Soil Conditioning Experiment with different foams and polymers to see how these additives influence the behavior of a variety of soils.

Rock Cutting Explore hard-rock cutting principles and challenges with samples of fractured rock.

Slurry Design and TestingDesign, batch, and examine, a variety of slurries used in tunneling environments via numerous test methods.

EPB TBM Simulator Operate an EPB TBM in a virtual environment; learn how to control face pressure, control ground deformation and advance speed through interactive trial and error.

Numerical Modeling Work through numerical modeling exercises, highlighting modeling assumptions and limitations for tunneling applications.

Shotcrete Learn and implement shotcrete mix design fundamentals, participate in testing of fresh and hardened concrete properties, and learn about do’s and don’ts of shotcrete application underground.

Annulus Grout Learn mix-design fundamentals and perform simple tests with grouts, fibers, steel and polymers.

3D Geotechnical Site Investigation and BIM Visualize geotechnical site investigation data in a 3D environment. Explore TBM selection, abrasivity and wear, clogging potential estimates, and cross passage risk.

Soil Abrasivity Lab Learn about emerging trends in soil abrasivity assessment and tour our state-of-the-art abrasivity lab facilities.

Tunneling Geology Walk Learn about applied geology and geotechnical characterization of rock masses for tunneling during an outdoor exploration of rock outcrops in Golden, Colorado.