Sponsor high-quality professional development opportunities for the underground construction and tunneling students and professional community.
Recognition of Tunneling Fundamentals, Practice and Innovations course sponsors include display on this website, in course promotions, and in materials received by program attendees. More details below.
Four levels of sponsorship opportunities:
Gold Level Sponsors — $4,500
- Logo displayed prominently on posters throughout the course venue including registration, lunch and break areas (Note: Sponsor must provide high-resolution large format logo as a computer file.)
- Logo displayed on printed course materials with recognition as “Gold Level Sponsor”
- Logo displayed on Colorado School of Mines short course website
- Logo included in course-announcement emails (roughly 2,500 recipients) and print advertisements (Note: Sponsor must provide high-res logos to Learn@mines.edu, and allow one month of lead time to include in print advertising.)
- Logo placement in PowerPoint slides running in the classroom between sessions with other Gold Level Sponsors
- Opportunity to distribute one (1) marketing piece (branded with company logo) to all attendees
- Opportunity to display marketing materials on literature display table outside of course classroom for the duration of the course
Silver Level Sponsors — $3,500
- Logo displayed prominently on course materials with recognition as “Silver Level Sponsor” (Note: Sponsor must provide high-resolution large format logo as a computer file.)
- Logo displayed on Colorado School of Mines short course website
- Logo included in course-announcement emails (roughly 2,500 recipients)
- Logo placement in PowerPoint slides running in the classroom between sessions with other Silver Level Sponsors
- Opportunity to display marketing materials on literature display table outside of course classroom for the duration of the course
Bronze Level Sponsor — $2,500
- Company name displayed on course materials with recognition as “Bronze Level Sponsor”
- Logo displayed on Colorado School of Mines short course website (Note: Sponsor must provide high-resolution large format logo as a computer file.)
- Logo included in course-announcement emails (roughly 2,500 recipients)
- Logo placement in PowerPoint slides running in the classroom between sessions with other Bronze Level Sponsors
- Opportunity to display marketing materials on literature display table outside of course classroom for one day
In-Kind Sponsorships
Speakers attend our courses free of charge. If your company is interested in sponsoring a representative who is speaking at our course with a donation to help offset operating costs typically covered by registration, you will be listed as an in-kind donor in course materials and on a PowerPoint slide for the duration of the course.
Next Steps
- To learn more and establish a sponsorship, email learn@mines.edu.
- Complete your sponsorship at least two weeks prior to the program start date to appropriately acknowledge your sponsorship in print materials.