303-384-2690 Learn@mines.edu

Electrolysis enthusiasts,

We are pleased to announce that we have opened abstract submission for the International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE 2021), June 20-23, 2022, Golden, CO, USA.  This will be the third meeting in this series and we are keeping the name ICE 2021 in defiance to COVID and the other negative consequences of the pandemic.  We are preparing for a face to face meeting and at this time not planning on a virtual or hybrid option, although this is subject to change depending on the state of matters when the conference time arises.  We have tried to wait as long as we could to best assess the options and at this point are going to move forward with our fingers crossed.  For this reason we are extending the abstract submission date to April 29, 2022, but with such a late submission date there will be no extensions and we very much appreciate early submissions as the logistics of planning this event are significantly more complicated than under pre-COVID circumstances.