Electrolysis enthusiasts, We are very much looking forward to the 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE 2021) to be held in person in Golden, CO, June 20-23, 2022. Building on the success of the first 2 ICE conferences, in spite of a one year delay...
Electrolysis enthusiasts, We are pleased to announce that we have opened abstract submission for the International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE 2021), June 20-23, 2022, Golden, CO, USA. This will be the third meeting in this series and we are keeping the name ICE...
The current plans and dates for ICE 2021, scheduled to be held June 20 to 23, 2022 are still in place. The abstract submission and registration sites are scheduled to go on line in early to mid January. Please check back and also expect an email blast with...
Dates for ICE2021 in 2022 have been finalized, and 2 free webinars preceding ICE 2021 are available • Final dates for the 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021 (ICE 2021) Conference that has been postponed until 2022 have been set. The Conference will be...
ICE 2021 postponed until 2022 • The 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021 (ICE 2021) Conference originally scheduled June 27-July 1, 2021 has been rescheduled for June 19 – 23, 2022. We are planning to have a brief, live virtual event during the...
A pre-event survey! • For planning purposes, we’d like to know your preferences for the format of the Conference and what type of presentation (if any) you would prefer to make. To participate in the survey, please point your internet browser to:...