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Conference is scheduled for June 4-7, 2024   —  Abstract Deadline Extended to Friday, March 22 

Please check the website frequently for any updates

Submit abstracts electronically using Adobe Acrobat PDF format (preferred) or Microsoft Word to Angel Abbud-Madrid at: aabbudma@mines.edu. The preferred layout is in two columns, using Times New Roman 10-point font. Refer to the accompanying Microsoft Word template for precise format details. Download template.
Abstracts are limited to two pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Longer submissions will be cut off after the second page. Abstracts may be on any topic related to space resources and their utilization. See the list on the main homepage for this year’s emphases, and check previous SRR presentations at www.isruinfo.com.

Abstracts are mini-papers; tell all the information in concise form rather than promising to talk about it. State conclusions and recommendations clearly and briefly. Abstracts may be refused if the Steering Committee deems they are inappropriate or not substantive.

Abstracts are due by March 22nd, to allow time for program organization. The Final Announcement, to be sent in mid May, will include the conference agenda and schedule of presentations.

Depending on the number of abstracts submitted, talks will be 15 or 20 minutes in length and some abstracts may be accepted to be presented as posters. Presentation slides should be sparse with words and dense with pertinent images; readability is paramount.